St Kieran Newsletter Term 1, Week 2 - 13th February 2025
- Principal's Message
- Kindy 2026 Enrolments
- Servite College
- Reconciliation Commitment Masses 15th and 16th February
- Extreme Weather
- Parent iPad Meeting
- Uniform
- Student Birthdays
- Procedure to Deal with Incidents
- School Rules
- Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Community Mass - Thursday 20 Feb
- Kindy/ Pre-Primary playground
- Servite Open Day - 20 March 2025
- John XXIII College: Year 7 2028 Applications Closing Soon
- Harlies Hockey Club Junior Have a Go Day
- The Murdoch University After School Program in Mathematics and Physical Sciences
Principal's Message
Loving Father,
I invite you into my life today
and make myself available to you.
Help me to become the best version of myself
by seeking your will and becoming a living example
of your love in the world.
Open my heart to the areas of my life that need to change
in order for me to carry out the mission
and experience the joy you have imagined for my life.
Inspire me to live the Catholic faith
in ways that are dynamic and engaging.
Show me how to best get involved in the life of my parish.
Make our community hungry for best practices
and continuous learning.
Give me courage when I am afraid,
hope when I am discouraged,
and clarity in times of decision.
Teach me to enjoy uncertainty and lead your Church
to become all you imagined it would be
for the people of our times.
This week we think of the Year 3 children as they begin their sacramental journey this year with the Commitment Masses for Reconciliation. Our community wishes you all the very best as you begin this special sacrament and we send our prayers out to you all.
I hope you have all started to find that routine again after the holiday break and the days are becoming easier for you to navigate. I hope the start has been good to you all and remember if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.
Mr Daine Burnett
Kindy 2026 Enrolments
We are accepting Kindy Enrolment's for 2026 and will later this term start organising interviews for these students to start at St Kieran in 2026. Please don’t leave this until the last minute as we have many people we could not accommodate in 2025. All parents need to submit your application and make sure you have your children enrolled at St Kieran Catholic Primary School.
If you have any questions or would like clarification please ring the school administration.
Servite College
Just a reminder to all of our St Kieran families you must get your children's applications into Servite College nice and early. Please don’t wait until your child is in Year 3 or 4 as it will be too late. Families need to ensure these are submitted to the college separately as St Kieran CPS and Servite College are separate schools.
Reconciliation Commitment Masses 15th and 16th February
This weekend, all students who intend to enrol in the Sacrament of Reconciliation are required to attend one of the parish masses as a sign of their commitment. During the mass, students will be asked to stand and pledge their commitment to the Sacrament.
Parish mass times are: Saturday 15th Feb 6.30pm or Sunday 16th Feb at 9am.
Extreme Weather
At various stages during the year there is 'Extreme Weather' while the children are at school. This Extreme Weather applies to all types including, wind, storms and temperature. In particular when the temperature reaches above 38 degrees or there is dangerous weather, children will remain in the classroom and supervision for this period will be between the class teachers.
Parent iPad Meeting
On Monday 24th February at 6:00pm in the Upper Learning Area. Mr Nathan Fonceca from IT Dynamics will run the session and will clarify any information you may need in relation to your child's iPad for 2025 in Year 2 or new families. All parents of students who will be in Year 2 or that are new to the school in 2025 are invited and we ask that a least one parent attend the meeting.
The invitation is also open to any new parents or those who need clarification on iPad use at St Kieran.
Thank you to everyone for making the effort to be in school uniform for the first day - the students looked amazing! Staff will be sending home notifications of incorrect uniform to families beginning week 2. A reminder that for the academic uniform the below shoes are to be worn - black lace up school shoes for both boys and girls. I would ask all parents to refer to the Uniform Policy on our school website.

Student Birthdays
Just a reminder to all families that student birthdays are celebrated in class and at assemblies. We do ask that parents don’t send in food, lollies, cake etc to the school. We would also ask that parents don’t ask staff to hand out birthday invitations to students nor put them in their bag.
Procedure to Deal with Incidents
Unfortunately at times during the school day there are incidents that may arise that require intervention or follow up by either the staff or by parents. To assist with this process the procedure is located on the website, it may give you some strategies to work through during these times of heightening emotions. The one element to remember is that mistakes can be made and as a catholic school we forgive and reconcile and move forward together.
School Rules
The St Kieran School rules are listed below and as members of the community we are always expected to follow these. Can we ask that all parents talk to their children about these rules and if you like feel free to implement these at home.
- Be Safe - Always use your body and equipment in ways that will keep you and others safe.
- Be Respectful - Consider others and the environment, allowing people to treat others as they wish to be treated.
- Be Responsible - Take ownership of your actions, choices, learning and belongings.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as Confession or Penance, is a Catholic sacrament in which believers seek forgiveness for their sins and reconciliation with God and the Church. Through the confession of sins to a priest, sincere contrition, and the intention to amend one’s life, the penitent receives absolution and spiritual renewal. The sacrament consists of four key elements: contrition (genuine sorrow for sins), confession (admitting sins to a priest), penance (acts of repentance), and absolution (forgiveness granted by the priest in the name of Christ). It is a sacrament of healing, restoring the grace of baptism and strengthening the soul against future sin.
This term, our Year 3 students will begin preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. As part of this journey, Commitment Masses will be held at St Kieran Parish on:
📅 Saturday, February 15 at 6:30pm
📅 Sunday, February 16 at 9:00am
📅 Friday, May 2 at 6:00pm
Enrolment Forms have been sent via an online form from the Year 3 Teachers. Thank you to those who have already completed them.
We ask you to keep our students in your prayers as they prepare for this important step in their faith journey.
Community Mass - Thursday 20 Feb
Take a moment to pause, reflect, and celebrate the Eucharist together. Our Year 5 students will be leading a special Community Mass on Thursday, February 20, at 9:00 AM at St Kieran Parish.
This is a wonderful opportunity to come together in faith, share in prayer, and strengthen our sense of community. We warmly invite all families, friends, and parishioners to join us for this special occasion.
🙏 Let’s gather as one, reflect in prayer, and celebrate the gift of the Eucharist.
📅 Date: Thursday, February 20
⏰ Time: 9:00 AM
📍 Location: St Kieran Parish
We look forward to seeing you there!
Kindy/ Pre-Primary playground
Just a friendly reminder that the Kindy and Pre-Primary playground is not available for play before or after school. As staff are not on duty in this area during these times, we kindly ask for your support in ensuring the safety of all children.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
Servite Open Day - 20 March 2025

John XXIII College: Year 7 2028 Applications Closing Soon
A reminder to all Year 4 families who are interested in a John XXIII College secondary education for their child, to please ensure their Expression of Interest has been submitted by Friday 7 March 2025.
John XXIII College seeks to develop people of competence, conscience and compassion who are committed to seek justice and serve others. Our vision is for all students to strive for excellence for themselves, their peers, and their community.
To submit an Expression of Interest, and to find out more about John XXIII College, visit