St Kieran Newsletter Term 2, Week 11 - 27th June 2024
- Principal's Message
- School Calendar
- Staff Professional Development Day 28th June
- Staff News
- Uniform
- Unwell Students
- Playground 2025
- Reports - Understanding Your Child's Report
- Servite College
- eSafety - What to do if your child sees something distressing online.
- Community Masses
- Reminder for Year 3 Families and Families with Children Enrolled in the Sacrament of Reconciliation:
- Year 6 Artwork
- Kieran Connect
- Local Road Closures
Principal's Message

May the God of all wonder who set the stars in the sky,
bless you with relentless unsettledness –
that drives you to seek truth.
May the God of all justice who gave motion to the rivers,
bless you with righteous anger –
that drives you to seek freedom for all.
May the God of all love who placed laughter in the kookaburra,
bless you with the friendship –
that looks like the love where one lays down their life for another.
May the God of all comfort who determined the height of the mountains,
bless you with tears from shared pain and mourning –
that shows you hope.
Now with wonder, righteous anger, sacrifice, and lament –
Go in truth, justice, love, and hope –
to Change The Heart of Australia.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
NAIDOC Week is celebrated this year during the school holidays, hence today we acknowledged and celebrate, and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. Today we joined together as a school community with our NAIDOC Week Mass.
Thank you all for a fantastic first semester at St Kieran. There have been many wonderful things occurring at the school that we have celebrated so far with more things to still to come. I know the students, staff and families well and truly due for a rest and recovery, as we have been very busy over this time. Do take time to slow down and let the students recover for another busy semester.
Have a great week and look after everyone. Take care over the holidays and stay safe, we look forward to seeing you all for the start of Term 3.
Best wishes and take care.
Mr Daine Burnett
School Calendar
A reminder to all families to continue to check the school calendar on our website for dates and events that are coming up during the term. We conclude Term 2 for students on Thursday 27th June (Friday 28th June is a Staff Development Day) and return for students to start Term 3 on Tuesday 16th July (Monday 15th July is a Staff Development Day).
Term 3 will also see the school closed on Friday the 23rd August (Catholic Day) and Term 3 conclude for students on Thursday 19th September (Friday 20th September is a Staff Development Day).
Staff Professional Development Day 28th June
On Friday, June 28, our dedicated staff will be participating in a professional development day focused on deepening their understanding of Scripture. This enriching session, facilitated by Scripture expert: John Coleman, will cover various parts of the Bible, as well as the origins of Hebrew and Christian Scripture.
Staff News
We have a number of staff taking some very well deserved Long Service Leave during Term 3. We do wish them all the very best as they take a well earned break.
Mrs Fulvia Stanford will be away all of Term 3 and will be replaced by Mrs Lauren O'Brien and Miss Rosie McGrath
Mrs Luisa McNally will be away until the start of week 5 and will be replaced by Mrs Emma Kriszyk.
We also have a number of staff moving on from St Kieran and we wish them all the very best and thank them for being part of our community.
Mrs Vanessa Taylor-Rennie will be moving to the country to spend more time with her family. We wish her all the very best.
Miss Claudia Botica Sanchez is returning to her travels overseas.
A reminder that for the academic uniform the below shoes are to be worn - black lace up school shoes for both boys and girls. I would ask all parents to refer to the Uniform Policy on our school website.

School shoes are 'normal/standard' school shoes for the academic uniform for both boys and girls. Not black sneakers, Air Forces, Air Max, Skate Shoes, Mary Jane or other alternatives that can be found. Sport shoes should be appropriate sport shoes, not fashion shoes, that are suitable for sport. Please keep this mind when looking for items during 2024.
Unwell Students
As we are well and truly in the colder months can we please ask that unwell students are not sent to school. Our staff will call parents if a child is unwell or presents unwell - we are not trained medical staff and if a child says they are unwell or looks unwell we will call the families to collect them. Sending an unwell child to school in turn has an impact on the other students as well as the staff and of course the families at St Kieran. Your consideration around this matter is appreciated.
Playground 2025
At the end of 2023 a decision was made to investigate the play spaces that exist around the school and how we can work at updating these for the student's at St Kieran. Our first focus was the main playground as suggested by our students at the time. After conversations with the School Advisory Council, Kieran Connect and our 2024 student leaders the below playground has been finalised and approved for installation at the end of 2024 for use at the start of 2025. This playground will replace the old equipment to the side of the basketball courts, with the sand also being removed and recycled soft fall being installed making the area safer for all.

Reports - Understanding Your Child's Report
Parents will receive 2 formal academic reports this year:
June/July – Mid Year Report
December – End of Year Report
This report provides parents with a ‘snapshot in time’ of how their child is progressing in relation to the end of year achievement standard for each learning area for their year level. The grade provided is taking into account the curriculum which has been taught and assessed to that point in time.
This report provides parents with an overview of how their child has progressed, across the entire year, in relation to the end of year Achievement Standard for each learning area for their year level. The grade provided is taking into account the curriculum which has been taught and assessed across the entire year, not just Semester 2.
Understanding the Grading System
Is a ‘C’ grade good? Yes, you should celebrate C grades as this indicates that your child has progressed to the desired level of understanding for his/her year level.
Is a ‘C’ grade just a pass like it used to be? No, a C grade today, is the expected Achievement Standard for each year level and each Learning Area.
Does an ‘A’ or ‘B’ grade mean my child is working a year or two above their current grade? No, an ‘A’ or ‘B’ grade means that your child is responding to the content taught to a deeper level. They may be thinking more critically about the content, which is a wonderful skill to demonstrate.
How are final grades determined? Teachers collect numerous samples of work and assessments to determine the final grade. The grade is determined with the use of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority’s (SCSA) Judging Standards. For more information on this go to
We hope this information assists you to understand the reporting process at St Kieran Catholic Primary School. If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask your child’s teacher.
Reports will be available to parents via SEQTA Engage on Friday 28th June.
Servite College
Just a reminder to all of our St Kieran families that you must get your children's applications into Servite College nice and early. Please don’t wait until Year 5 or 6 as it will be too late, you need to submit this application earlier.
eSafety - What to do if your child sees something distressing online.
In today's digital age, children are increasingly exposed to a vast array of online content, some of which can be distressing and harmful. As parents, educators, and caregivers, it's crucial to understand how to support children when they encounter such content. This article aims to provide practical strategies and resources to help adults navigate these challenging situations. By fostering open communication, utilizing available technological tools, and seeking professional support when necessary, we can create a safer online environment for our children and help them develop resilience in the face of digital adversity. Please have a look at this article from eSafety - eSafety article
Community Masses
Community Masses
St Kieran Catholic Primary School and St Kieran Parish have a longstanding, collaborative relationship. To sustain this, we will facilitate Community Masses with the Parish while remaining committed to our School Improvement goals.
To enhance students' understanding of their Faction Patrons and foster community spirit, we encourage students to wear faction colours at the Mass. The dates for this year’s Community Masses (Saturday 6:30pm) evening Mass at St Kieran Parish) are:
- 27 July - Francis Faction (Anniversary of Francis being Canonised 16/7)
- 10 August - MacKillop Faction (Anniversary of the death of Mary MacKillop 8/8)
- 14 September - Frayne Faction (Mercy Day 24/9)
- 9 November - Mercy Faction (Passing of Catherine McAuley 11/11)
We would encourage families to set aside the dates for your child's Faction Mass and join the Parish for this wonderful celebration.
Reminder for Year 3 Families and Families with Children Enrolled in the Sacrament of Reconciliation:
The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on Friday, July 26 (Week 2) at 6pm at St. Kieran Parish.
Reminder for Year 3 Families and Families with Children Enrolled in the Sacrament of Reconciliation:
The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on Friday, July 26 (Week 2) at 6pm at St. Kieran Parish.
Year 6 Artwork
Year 6 students have studied the art of printmaking and produced their very own print. First, they photographed a bug of their choice, then went through many steps to create their template which was used for printing. Our second art piece was inspired from a study of the poem 'Jabberwocky' by Lewis Carroll.

Kieran Connect