Pupil Free Day and Staff Professional Service Learning
Today the staff at St Kieran spent time giving back to the community by participating in much needed jobs around the school, St Catherine's House of Hospitality and the Parish Church. We spent time during the morning reflecting on the mercy charisms, listening to Sr Elizabeth, Jo Ketteringham, and Deacon Gionata about how service is good for our well-being. It is important for ones own well being to be of service to others.
URSTRONG Online Workshop
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
URSTRONG’s whole-school friendship strategy has improved the social climate in schools around the world, connecting over a million kids, parents, and teachers with a common language of friendship. We are proud to be a URSTRONG School, empowering your children with friendship skills through their award-winning Friendology curriculum.
You are invited to attend an ONLINE Language of Friendship parent-child workshop for URSTRONG Schools on Wednesday 16 October at 6:00pm. Dana Kerford (Founder of URSTRONG) will teach you and your children skills + language to foster healthy, feel-good friendships.
This workshop will take place online via Zoom. If this is a first for you, you might want to try a test by clicking here.
When it’s time: CLICK HERE TO JOIN
Meeting ID: 833 7236 8909
Password: URSTRONG
You are also invited to keep the conversation going at home with a FREE membership for URSTRONG Families.
Take advantage of activities, videos, & articles to continue empowering your child with friendship skills.
After the workshop, we encourage you to:
Activate your FREE Parent Membership and explore all the resources available to your family.
Encourage Green-Zone Friendships with this activity: Must-Haves, Deal-Breakers, & Ice-Cream!
Try out this interactive tool: Friendship Fire or Mean-on-Purpose?
Pop over to URSTRONG’s BLOG with news & advice.
We believe that empowering our students with these skills will create a culture of kindness at our school and we hope you will be part of this whole-school initiative!
Dana is looking forward to seeing you all online from around Western Australia!
2024 ADHD WA Conference -Saturday October 19 2024
CSPA 2024 Parent/Caregiver Survey on Student Wellbeing & Learning
After School Program in Mathematics and Physical Sciences
St Kieran Parish Fundraiser
Placement of Students in Classes for 2025
Each year, staff use professional judgement to make fair and informed decisions about where they place students for the following year. These decisions are based on many aspects that consider the whole child. Staff consider academic ability, behavioural concerns, socio-emotional considerations, gender, learning needs, as well as friendships evident at school and attempt to even the distribution across both classes when making these decisions.
If you have a significant matter that you wish to discuss with the Principal, please email Mr Burnett directly before Thursday 19th September daine.burnett@cewa.edu.au this date is not extended.
Students Leaving St Kieran
Can you please let the school know as soon as possible if your children are moving on from St Kieran in 2024. We currently have families on our wait lists and would like to accommodate as many people as possible. Please note a terms notice should be given in order to not be charged any subsequent fees.
Servite College
Just a reminder to all of our St Kieran families you must get your children's applications into Servite College nice and early. Please don’t wait until Year 5 as it will be too late we would suggest getting the applications in before Year 4. While St Kieran and Servite have a great relationship and are very close, parents still need to submit a separate enrolment application to Servite College. Please make sure you are organised nice and early with this process. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Kieran Connect
Contact Details - Parents
It is imperative that parents and families update the school when your personal details change during the year. If you change your email address or mobile number please ensure that the school administration is contacted so we can update these details for communication purposes.
School Calendar
Term 3 will see the school closed and conclude for students on Thursday 19th September (Friday 20th September is a Staff Development Day). We return to St Kieran for Term 4 on Monday 7th October.
Make a Move Concerts
Congratulations to all students who participated in the Make a Move Dance performances last week. It was fabulous to see so many students really give it their best and showcase their talents.
Principal's Message
God of Compassion and Mercy, source of compassion and love;
Inspire us to live the Gospel call to care for those who are most vulnerable.
Kindle in us a fire for justice poured out on our world.
May we be like Catherine McAuley in our faith, our love and our hope. Amen
This week we celebrated Mercy Week and all the amazing things that the Sisters of Mercy and Mercy Works do for our community.
Catherine McAuley is the foundress of the Sisters of Mercy. Catherine’s faith led her to dedicate herself to serving the poor, sick and uneducated. Throughout her life she was deeply aware of the human suffering caused by social, economic and religious injustice.
To "comfort" and to "animate" are among the most frequently used words in Catherine's writing. These words reflect the outgoing, life-giving and self-sustaining nature of her life and ministry.
'Animation' was the word Catherine repeatedly used to describe the desired effect of her sisters’ lives on those they had contact with. Through acts of comfort, love and mercy she strove to impact and ‘animate’ lives. To be animated by the spirit of Christ is part of the spirit of the Mercy order.
Catherine used every opportunity to applaud and invigorate her sisters and she deliberately nurtured their God-given gifts. She animated them through her words, her example, her presence, her affection, and her own concrete commitment to works of mercy.
Hospitality was a fundamental part of Catherine’s sense of service. The story is told that even as she laid on her death bed with sisters travelling from far and near to pay their last respects to her, her first concern was their comfort. “Be sure to give them a cup of tea” was her instruction which has become a symbol of Mercy hospitality and servant leadership.
Yesterday we ended Mercy Week with a beautiful Mass and a fete to raise money for Mercy Works. Mercy Works is the development arm of the Sisters of Mercy in Australia and Papua New Guinea. They work in partnership with vulnerable communities and local organisations domestically and in the Asia Pacific region. They work with the people of these communities and organisations to build capacity, dignity and self-reliance. We thank our St Kieran families for their financial contribution to the fete and free dress today, all money will go to those in need.
As the term comes to an end, I would like to wish everyone a relaxing and restful school holiday break. We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday 7th October with renewed energy and excitement for Term 4.
Sacha Doepel
Assistant Principal
Principal's Message
When you need Me, I am there.
Even if you deny Me, I am there.
When you feel most alone, I am there.
Even in your fears and pain, I am there.
Though your faith in Me is unsure,
My faith in you never wavers.
For you, I am there.
God, thank You for Your
on-going presence.
There’s nothing quite like a headline to peak our curiosity and make us seek to know more - “God Rescued and Set Free.” So, what might such a heading be about? Could it be about prayer and that if we see prayer only as a religious event rather than the expression of a relationship with God, we might restrict our prayer life to Sundays and religious settings. If prayer is a conversation with God, then God needs to be seen and released from Churches and Religious events and brought into daily life.
Often times, our life can be made up of a series of compartments: work, family, entertainment, finances, relationships, God. However, each of these compartments can be integrated into a meaningful whole by prayer.
We have all had times of great wonder during which we experienced God’s presence: a sunset, a piece of music or a baby’s smile. If we are willing to see and to listen to life around us, we will experience God speaking to us through the wonder of His creation in all its forms.
Often our understanding of prayer can be too narrow and can exclude everyday experiences because they don’t fit our definition of what prayer is or is supposed to be. If prayer is any activity that nurtures our relationship with God, then, if having a cup of tea with a friend nurtures this relationship that is prayer. If sitting still in a park or garden feeds your soul that is prayer. Listening to music, assisting at children’s event, coaching a team, can all be prayer.
We may have stopped praying because our “old” images of God are no longer valid and we have no “new” images to replace them. If we try to figure out who God is before we pray, we might never pray. If we wait to pray till we have the right words, we might never pray. The longer we wait to pray the more we leave God “in the Church” or in a “Religious Ceremony” instead of in a relationship with us.
Sometimes our prayer can be brief but meaningful: “God, I need Your help.” “Walk with me, Jesus, for I am unsure of myself.” “Spirit of God, I need the gift of understanding – NOW!” “Praise the Lord.” “Thanks be to God.” These short bursts of prayer, recognise God’s on-going presence in our daily lives.
The practice of prayer can be comfortable or challenging, easy or difficult. Like human relationships, our relationship with God will go through many stages; sometimes it will fill us with great joy, other times it will seem boring and rough. We may even have times where we break our relationship with God, going our own way, paying no attention to God or to prayer. But God does not turn away. God keeps calling. After a while, a longing to return to God will arise. This longing is a sign of faithfulness; we have been touched in some way; we have heard God’s call. When this occurs it is not a time for feelings of guilt; it is time for rejoicing.
See how you go finding that space for prayer or even for the moment of stillness. I hope the week has been good to you.
Best wishes and take care.
Mr Daine Burnett
Joondanna Reserve landscape upgrades
2024 ADHD WA Conference -Saturday October 19 2024
Year 5 Fremantle Excursion
On Monday the 9th of September the Year 5 students went on an excursion to Fremantle Prison. We started the excursion by going to Fremantle Cemetery and we went to see where Moondyne Joe was buried, as we have been learning about him in our Talk for Reading Unit. We then had an interesting tour of Fremantle Prison and even got to see the cell that Moondyne Joe was in! To finish off our excursion we walked to The Round House for a tour and then had lunch together.
URSTRONG Online Workshop
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
URSTRONG’s whole-school friendship strategy has improved the social climate in schools around the world, connecting over a million kids, parents, and teachers with a common language of friendship. We are proud to be a URSTRONG School, empowering your children with friendship skills through their award-winning Friendology curriculum.
You are invited to attend an ONLINE Language of Friendship parent-child workshop for URSTRONG Schools on Wednesday 16 October at 6:00pm. Dana Kerford (Founder of URSTRONG) will teach you and your children skills + language to foster healthy, feel-good friendships.
This workshop will take place online via Zoom. If this is a first for you, you might want to try a test by clicking here.
When it’s time: CLICK HERE TO JOIN
Meeting ID: 833 7236 8909
Password: URSTRONG
You are also invited to keep the conversation going at home with a FREE membership for URSTRONG Families.
Take advantage of activities, videos, & articles to continue empowering your child with friendship skills.
After the workshop, we encourage you to:
Activate your FREE Parent Membership and explore all the resources available to your family.
Encourage Green-Zone Friendships with this activity: Must-Haves, Deal-Breakers, & Ice-Cream!
Try out this interactive tool: Friendship Fire or Mean-on-Purpose?
Pop over to URSTRONG’s BLOG with news & advice.
We believe that empowering our students with these skills will create a culture of kindness at our school and we hope you will be part of this whole-school initiative!
Dana is looking forward to seeing you all online from around Western Australia!
Autism News
Welcome to the September edition of Autism News – including the latest updates on Autism Association events, services and supports, and upcoming opportunities! Please click the link below for more information