Interschool Cross-Country

Well done to our St Kieran Cross Country Team who competed in the CPSSA Interschool Carnival against 16 other schools. Our students showed great determination and stamina, leaving nothing out on the wet and muddy course. Congratulations to Jackson for placing in the top 10!

Our New Lectern

A massive Thank You to Mr Davis' Dad for making our beautiful new lectern. Be sure to look out for it at our next assembly!

Father's Day Breakfast

Parent Social Night

The sale of tickets closes on Monday, 29th July at midnight. Just a few days left to purchase the tickets. The link for the sale of tickets for the Parent Social Night is below: 

Online sale of raffle tickets will open on 2 August at 8:30am and close at 2:00pm on the same day. Raffle tickets will also be sold at the venue of the Parent Social Night on Friday, 2 August. Link to purchase raffle tickets will follow soon. Raffle to be drawn at the Parent Social Night.

Reminder for Year 3 Families and Families with Children Enrolled in the Sacrament of Reconciliation:

The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on Friday, July 26 (Week 2) at 6pm at St. Kieran Parish. 

Community Masses

St Kieran Catholic Primary School and St Kieran Parish have a longstanding, collaborative relationship. To sustain this, we will facilitate Community Masses with the Parish while remaining committed to our School Improvement goals. 

To enhance students' understanding of their Faction Patrons and foster community spirit, we encourage students to wear faction colours at the Mass. The dates for this year’s Community Masses (Saturday 6:30pm) evening Mass at St Kieran Parish) are: 

  • 27 July - Francis Faction(Anniversary of Francis being Canonised 16/7) 
  • 10 August - MacKillop Faction(Anniversary of the death of Mary MacKillop 8/8) 
  • 14 September - Frayne Faction(Mercy Day 24/9) 
  • 9 November - Mercy Faction(Passing of Catherine McAuley 11/11) 

We would encourage families to set aside the dates for your child's Faction Mass and join the Parish for this wonderful celebration. 

Australian Girls Choir Workshop

On the 29th of August at 12:30pm in the Music Room, the Australian Girls Choir will be running an assessment workshop. This will be opened to girls from pre-primary to year 6 and will feature singing and movement activities. Participants will receive personalized assessment report and further information about 2025 classes. A form will be coming home next week (week 3) for those interested in joining! 

Mobile Phones and Smart Watches

If for any reason your child must have a mobile phone at school, you are asked to complete the Mobile Phone Form requesting permission. If permission is granted the mobile phone will be given to administration at the start of the day and collected at the end of each teaching day. At no time will mobile phones be permitted outside this.  

Smart Watches or other wearable devices can be worn to school; however, we ask parents to turn off any features that allow the watch to be used for anything other than telling the time while at school. If a student is using it for any other reason, then it is exactly like a Mobile Phone and it MUST be handed in to the front office. 

Please click on the link below for more information on our Mobile Phone Usage Guideline. This is also located on the school website for further reference if required. 

Student Accidents - Support Aids

We know at times children have accidents at home and at school that may require a cast, crutches, slings, moon boots and other support braces to assist in their recovery. To ensure that we provide a safe environment and that parents and children are aware of their risks with these, parents will need to make contact with member of the Leadership Team before returning to school so we are aware of requirements of each child and how to cater for them. 

Unwell Students

As we are well and truly in the colder months can we please ask that unwell students are not sent to school. Our staff will call parents if a child is unwell or presents unwell - we are not trained medical staff and if a child says they are unwell or looks unwell we will call the families to collect them. Sending an unwell child to school in turn has an impact on the other students as well as the staff and of course the families at St Kieran. Your consideration around this matter is appreciated. 


A reminder that for the academic uniform the below shoes are to be worn - black lace up school shoes for both boys and girls. I would ask all parents to refer to the Uniform Policy on our school website. 

School shoes are 'normal/standard' school shoes for the academic uniform for both boys and girls. Not black sneakers, Air Forces, Air Max, Skate Shoes, Mary Jane or other alternatives that can be found. Sport shoes should be appropriate sport shoes, not fashion shoes, that are suitable for sport.  

St Kieran Parish Car Park and Shrine

The St Keiran Parish have very generously permitted families to use the carpark and also the shrine which is a very reverent area, for parents to be able to collect their children. This area is not supervised by the staff at St Kieran, so we do ask that parents do supervise and speak to their own children about their behaviour that is expected after school. 

Parking Tyler Street

Just a reminder that the parking at the front of the school is from those families using the Ciaran Centre and those people who have ACROD Permits. We would ask that parents move in and out of these bays quickly and don’t hold up spaces while waiting for children. During the wet weather there was some concerning behaviour around parents letting children out of the car while on the road or even collecting their children while they were waiting on the road. This is an illegal activity and puts children's safety at risk. 

Morgans Street Kiss and Drive

We know the morning and afternoon drive through can be a very busy place, which relies on all families doing the right thing to ensure it runs smoothly. In order to keep it flowing, we ask that parents stay in their car at these times. If you need to get out of the car to assist your child with their seatbelt, then please park your car in an appropriate place and walk into school. Students are encouraged to independently get themselves in and out of the car, manage their bags and do up their own seatbelt.  

There is no right turn into the Morgans Street Kiss and Drive at anytime - parents do line up along Tyler Street to access this - please follow the directions. There are signs asking parents to continue to Drive Forward so we can get as many children out of the cars as quickly as possible in the morning. When a parent stops at the Morgans Street gate it stops all the other cars behind them, which then creates issues on Morgans Street for our local residents. 

School Calendar

Term 3 will see the school closed on Friday the 23rd August (Catholic Day) and Term 3 conclude for students on Thursday 19th September (Friday 20th September is a Staff Development Day). 

Principal's Message

“If we really want to love, we must learn to forgive.” - Mother Teresa.  
We praise and thank you, God, our Father in heaven,  
because in love you have given us Jesus to lead us back to you.  
Strengthen us in our weakness with the power of your Spirit  
and help us to follow your Son in love and forgiveness. 

Significantly, this same double emphasis on loving God and loving one’s neighbour, also runs all through Christ’s familiar prayer, the “Our Father” - though with a nice little reminder that may get forgotten. For the first three verses are a hymn of praise to God, while the others embody prayers for God’s help and forgiveness – on the condition that we extend the same kind of forgiveness to those who may have offended us. ‘Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us’. 

Luke 11:2-4Likewise, in Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says: ‘If you forgive others their failings, your heavenly Father will forgive you yours; but if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive yourfailings either’ Matthew 6:12. So ‘when you stand in prayer, forgive whatever you have against anybody, so that your Father in heaven may forgive your failings too’. Mark 11:25  

Forgiveness is choosing to love -Ghandi 

The above is a great reflection as a Year 3 classes along with the parish children have been undertaking the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Often the perception of this sacrament can be about the wrong rather than right and the right is extremely powerful and meaningful. To be able to reconcile the wrongs and ask for forgiveness and grow closer to our faith is wonderful experience. As a faith community this is even more powerful as we deal with the day to day dealings with each other and those close to us. Often that ability to reconcile and ask for forgiveness is hard to do but knowing that it comes from an amazing place is our faith in action.  

Have a great week and look after everyone. 

Best wishes and take care. 

Mr Daine Burnett 

Capital Works Commence on Morgans Street

Servite College have commenced work on redeveloping Morgans Street. The college will be constructing a multi-purpose grassed area with amenities, basketball courts, and a carpark on Morgans Street. In addition, will soon begin constructing a carpark on Cape Street near the newly opened uniform shop.  

While construction is taking place, there may be some disruption to traffic flow and parking on Morgans Street. We understand that there were some trucks blocking traffic and making the street unsafe and this has now been requested that no large machinery or trucks be parked on Morgans Street during drop-off and pick-up times. 

The project will be completed by the end of the year. I thank you for your patience as our wonderful neighbours build their new facilities. I will keep you updated on our progress and any changes.   

Kieran Connect Parent Social Night - 2 August 2024

Please see link below to purchase tickets for our next Kieran Connect Social Night happening on Friday 2nd August 2024